During the quarantine in Pagadian City (May 2020)
This time last year
During the pandemic, when everyone was advised to say home. We, in the government, worked tirelessly day and night to combat this coronavirus disease and extending assistance to our fellow Filipinos in need.
In Pagadian, we are fortunate enough to have received numerous donations even from those who are not from Pagadian. And so, we were able to deliver food packs, face masks, alcohol and face shields to most of our constituents.
Thankful and blessed to have received a lot of donations in times of crisis.
Assistance from Senators
Donations for Congressmen and other officials
Books from POGA (Pagadian OFW Global Association)
and other donations from Private Individuals who donated directly to our Bayanihan Desk
Distribution of PPEs and other essentials for our frontliners (from Donations and the City Government of Pagadian)
Food packs distribution to all 54 brgys.
Let us continue to spread love and prayers, not hate and COVID
Stay safe and God bless